Reunited and it felt so good! It seems like eons ago since Sue and I worked together at our beloved Finnegan's Toys and Gifts. But we immediately got back into our tag-team shopgirl groove a few weekends ago when we shared a booth at Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco.
We both sold like crazy and had the best time doing it.
It didn't hurt that this was Sue's first West Coast show, and the California crafterati was clamoring for her beauteous creations.
We used to stand like this behind a counter for eight hours a day drinking coffee and shooting the breeze! Man, it was great.
Our cozy corner of Fort Mason.
These two days were truly the highlight of my year; it's hard when your dearest friends are scattered around the globe, but it makes it that much more magical when you get to see them again.
These two days were truly the highlight of my year; it's hard when your dearest friends are scattered around the globe, but it makes it that much more magical when you get to see them again.
Adorable. Sorry I missed that one. Glad you two had fun and sold lots!
Thanks, Anita! Hope all is well on 2nd and Harrison! :)
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