

I have been trying to make socks for Peter for a few years now. Turns out, I'm impatient and socks are hard. Above is the current status. I also like to give Peter a "activity present" for Christmas, because not only is it fun, but I always get to go too. Score! More often than not I choose from the awesome menu of SF Sketchfest events. I went to theater school with some of the people who started Sketchfest, although I did not know them well (I was a awkward underling with limited confidence and these people had their s together) but I did have scene shop with the beautiful and funny Janet Varney, who once lent me a black skirt because I forgot mine. She was nice. Anyhoo.

We're going to see the Thrilling Adventure Hour, which sounds something like A Prairie Home Companion except not terrible. I like famous people and funny people, so I'm really excited to see Bruce McCullough of Kids in the Hall, Paget Brewster from the Conways' favorite crime procedural, Criminal Minds, and my long-time comedian crush, modern dandy Paul F. Tompkins. I can't wait to get fancy and enjoy the humors!

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