
Today at work a patient was barfing so loud in the bathroom that I had to take my break early. I think that people barf at my workplace not because they're ill, but mostly because they're scared. It's really interesting to see people in such a vulnerable position, wearing little gowns and being strapped down to a table.

The other day, I heard agonized male screams coming from the x-ray room. And a few weeks ago, the most ancient lady came in for an MRI, and was so terrified and confused, she made noises that I didn't know could come out of a human. It was unreal. Like a cat, or a bird, or a little baby, and it went on and on.

Usually, of course, everything is fine. But sometimes, people get scared. I don't blame them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How could anyone follow up ted's comment. It would be useless to try.