
Dare I say it: OMGOMGOMG!

Hey, friends! Some big news: I have a fancy new gig: craft blogger over at Readymade.com! I am so insanely excited about this. I'll be putting a lot of my crafty content over at Make Nice from now on, but I'll still be here doing what I do! Please stop by and let me know what you think--eeek!


Jody McDowell said...

i just discovered your blog.. that's some exciting news! congrats!

NettyL said...

Way to go!! congratulations!! (oh and ps. the captcha code i have to type to enter in my comment is "cutica" and that just seems too perfect. ha ha)

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

How exciting! I just found your blog via the Make Nice blog. It's gorgeous. Congratulations!

polly conway said...

Thanks, friends! Netty, I want to make a Battlestar Galactica spin-off show and call it "Cutica." It will revolve around an intergalactic nail salon.

Polly Danger said...

I was so excited for you when I ran across the Haiti Relief post- I squee'd so loud that my husband heard me in the shower! Congratulations my favorite other Polly!!

Becky said...

Woo woo woo woo W00t! Congrats, that's so cool! Happy dance.

minnie said...

fun! I'll add it to my reader!