
Clutter control

I'm confused. I want to have a perfect, tidy office space where I am endlessly productive, but I know in my heart that this will never be the case. I'm messy by nature; I always, always have been. I was so excited to see editor Fritz Karch's office in Martha Stewart Living a few years ago; he clearly gets stuff done, but has a mad messy office full of beloved treats.

"Some people need absolute quiet and order to think. I'm not one of them. Absolute quiet terrifies me." 

--Fritz Karch, Editorial Director of Collections (dream job alert) @ Martha Stewart Living and guy with a sweet beard

In my imaginary globe-trotting world, Fritz Karch and I are totally bros and get to scour antique shops for the weirdest items. A lot of my good friends are insane collectors, and I fully understand this need to surround yourself with wonderful things.

That said, my weekend project is totally revamping my craft area for maximum productivity. Things I will be keeping in mind:

1. I cannot prominently display every cute item that I have. I must choose a few favorites.
2. Things that I actually use (pins, scissors, small bags) must be easily accessible at all times.
3. If I have not looked at it in 3 years, it may be time to let go.

Wish me luck!


Crystal said...

That guy is sooo cool! Talk about dream job fer sure. I didn't even know that existed.

Elaine Elwick Barr said...

Good luck Polly! I took on the office clean challenge in 2010, and failed pretty badly. When it's 'clean' I don't feel creative..when it's a mess, I want to make it messier...conundrum.

:) viva la mess!