
How to rebound from a wasted day? Sometimes it takes me a long time to get my act together (see: my life in general); today it took me the better part of the day to complete and mail four tiny pouches. Other days, I can bust out 50. Being both lazy and self-employed is a tricky combination. I'll be spending the next few days finishing (and by finishing, you, dear readers, know I mean starting) some overdue wholesale orders, doing piles and piles of laundry (post-shower, I have been drying myself with a hand towel, which is not a good use of my time), sending a special package to one of my favorite internet people, Melissa of Hobocamp Crafts, who was featured today in Etsy's Quit Your Day Job series.

While I haven't exactly quit my day job, I'm looking forward to devoting my time, however slowly I may devote it, to creating a handful of new products for the holidays. Let's see how long it takes to thread the needle!

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