
je lis tu lis

I snagged this book a few years ago for a pittance at The East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse (where I visited this week and made out like a bandit with beloved friend Crystal), and just today felt brave enough to use it for a new crafty project. Cutting into gorgeous books is a mixed bag, but sometimes it's got to be done. Know what I'm sayin'?

I tried to learn French in a pinch before my family graciously took me and my brother to Paris ten years ago, but only got a couple of conversational phrases memorized. I have a weird gift for pronunciation and am pretty good at sounding better than I am at a few languages, but it would be nice to actually know them.

The project includes these babies, and you can probably put two and two together; but in case you can't, it'll be a featured option in my next Wikia Easy Crafts video, filming this weekend!


Nowprotectyourself said...

Stun guns keep your family and you safe and prevents crime. Come see our crime prevention tips. It's a good idea to keep a weapon in your house to protect yourself and your family. I would highly recommend stun guns. Place several stun guns around the house so they are readily available, no matter where you are in your home when the burglary occurs. Stun guns are highly effective and accidental use of stun guns will not result in death like handguns or shotguns.

Giggly said...

Hooray for stun guns!....

I can't wait to see the final outcome to this sweetness.

polly conway said...

Dude, I know! This is the best comment ever. I have pepper spray at home but never thought of taking it to the next level. LOL!

Crystal said...

Does it involve that new awesome product you showed me?!?!?!

Anonymous said...


