


Adventures in thin walls: My next door neighbor is having some major video game wins. I can hear him, "Ha-ha! Hoo hoo hoo hoo! Ha!" The song playing is "Beyond the Sea," which through some speedy Googling, I discovered is from Bioshock. Really? I wanted him to be playing some cutesy game that looks like all the underwater levels in Mario. Alas. 

About half of our walls are made from this weird plaster stuff, so we can't hang anything heavy on them. My little inspiration board here hangs from a sewing pin that I jammed in there. 

In other news, I found this at Mixed Pickles on Telegraph last Saturday. Things are moving like molasses for me life-wise so it's taken a solid week to get it up here, but LOOK AT IT! It fits all cans! I'm taking requests as to what I should stitch on there as this will clearly be the most important work I ever do.

From The Lovely and Strange Etsy shop. Is that Cary Grant?

Thirdly, these. World, are you for reals?

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