
Old Intellectual Hotties Corner, Vol 1.

I'm sorry, but I'm pretty positive that not only is David Byrne getting smarter and weirder, he is also getting exponentially hotter! Sweet Jesus. The white hair totally works.

David Byrne's career never ceases to amaze me. He always is working on so many projects, not all successful, but I love that he's always making something crazy.

Right now he's all about saving internet radio, a cause that I can totally get behind. Check out his website, chock full of mad hot genius.


Crystal said...

Pols, you are right, super hot!

lms said...

who KNEW?!

ted d. said...

agreed, he looks like a 1982 Bowie, just before lemon chiffon Serious Moonlight tour.

David Byrne as Sexy Grampa?

Squidhelmet said...

He is my baby daddy.