
Family Adventures

Online life is tricky. Sometimes when you disappear from the internets, it's because you're just not feeling like posting. Or if your biggest accomplishment of the week is watching three seasons of Arrested Development in three days (I didn't actually do this, but I have been close). Other times, you're doing all kinds of amazing, life-affirming things that don't lend themselves to constant photographing and documentation. Family life is one of these things for me. I love my family and value the time I get to spend with them. Usually this means going totally offline and straight up hanging out with my people. I think this is a good thing. Good times aren't always Instagrammable, at least for me.

First I had a nice long visit at my parents' house in San Luis Obispo, then my brother visited me in Oakland. I left the house a lot and ate a ton of good food. It's been a great week!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had time with your family, Polly - hope to see you soon! Catherine

Kathaleeny said...

My daughter and I are trying to overcome the depression of the Downton Abbey hiatus. We have seen two seasons of Arrested Development in a week. I'm glad there's nothing wrong with us.